Executive Functions Webinar

Thank you for attending the webinar: Executive Functions Interventions to Improve Academics of Struggling Learners

Your views on the webinar are important to us. Please complete this survey for feedback purposes to receive webinar handouts.

Executive Functions Interventions to Improve Academics of Struggling Learners

Webinar Survey

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1. Overall, how would you rate this webinar?*
2. What percentage of the information was new to you?*
3. I can use this session information:*
4. Please rate the speaker’s knowledge of the topic:*
5. Please rate the speaker’s presentation skills:*
6. Please rate the content of the slides:*
7. How did the session compare to your expectations?*
8. How would you rate the information delivered in this presentation?*
9. How likely are you to recommend our webinars to others?*

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