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Client Testimonials
The presentation was clear, organized, and it will be directly applicable to my work a a school-based SLP in Missouri. Thank you
After listening to Tatyana Elleseff speak about the SLPs role in literacy assessment and intervention, I now have a clearer picture of all the ways I can support my clients as well as information on the many resources I can access to accomplish these goals. She is an engaging speaker with clear expertise in this subject matter.
Great information and resources. Expanded my knowledge about literacy and how critical it is to speech and language development and interventions. Provided a lot of “ah-hah” and “light bulb” moments. Excited to apply what i learned to support my students and explore the resources shared to further my knowledge and strengthen my skills as a speech pathologist. Amazing!!! Thank you! Let me know if you decide to provide a part 2 to this course 🙂
The presentation was packed with many accessible resources! Thanks for all of the research information as well!
Tatyana shared many resources and helpful ideas during her presentation. I hope to take many of these and work them into my everyday therapy activities related to reading, vocabulary, and writing.
I will use the handout as a resource for the research to cite when explaining why I do what I do.
Great presentation with practical applications and explanations!!!!!
Great! Such an information packed presentation full of research/theory, practical information, and resources. This is one of several of Tatyana’s presentation I have viewed and they are all well researched and full of evidence to support our practice. This presentation spanned so many areas and was a great opportunity for me to refresh my practice with solid ideas and treatment strategies.
I just want to take a second to thank you personally for the POWERUP conference I haven’t had a chance to listen to everything yet–school is off and running! However, what you are providing is The Most Useful Information for my actual work than anything else I have found.
This summer, I chose to upgrade with you rather than pay for ASHA Connect. There are a few good classes, but almost every single one of your courses applies directly to my caseload. In addition, many of your presenters are starting to provide more information on applied research; i.e., how would implementation actually look. We have so little time in schools with all of the additional duties/activities we need to be involved in, so having PD that is accurate, evidence-based and directly applicable is where my money will go every time. (Especially since I pay for all my PD myself!
Thank you for selecting excellent presenters on topics that apply to our actual caseloads. The excellence of your conferences is very much appreciated!
Tatyana’s presentation on using EBP interventions to improve EFs was amazing. In addition to providing a comprehensive analysis on EF, she highlighted the relationship between EBP language and literacy interventions and their efficacy on self regulation and various EF skills. Tatyana’s presentations never disappoint. They not only impart knowledge on the topic but also provide practical guidance for implementation of EBP interventions that address generalization of language and literacy skills.
Tatyana has presented for the NYCDOE several times since 2015. She has presented at our citywide bilingual conference as well as on topics such as Behavior Modification and “From Wordless Books to Reading”. She has a wonderful presentation style, has been very thoughtful in developing meaningful presentations and wonderful to work with professionally.
Tatyana has given 2 brilliant, informative presentations to our parent support group: The Differences Between a Neuropsychological Evaluation and a Language/Literacy Assessment and, How Language Affects Reading. Both parents and professionals raved about what they learned. Tatyana has such command of these topics. She is adept at explaining these subjects well to an audience with diverse levels of knowledge. We will definitely engage her again!
Tatyana’s seminar on “EBP Use of Animated Films to Target Language Goals” was very well done. Her skillful presentation was super organized with comprehensive information that is relevant and can be used as a reference. Her handouts provided examples of intervention targets, along with sample-type questions. Tatyana directly quoted the appropriate research. She provided me with the tools and resources to keep my students engaged as their goals are addressed. Her presentation was outstanding!
This was one of the finest and useful presentations in my 25 years in the field. Highly supportive of clinical work. Very exciting.
Tatyana always brings a wealth of knowledge on her topic and provides effective intervention ideas based on current evidence. I always find her presentations extremely useful as a school-based SLP.
Dr. Tatyana Elleseff has a presentation style that is well organized and packed full of practical, useful information. Her pace is perfect and she is always willing to stop and answer questions. I have enjoyed each of her lectures!
I have used animated videos in therapy before. However, Tatyana gave a brilliant presentation on the justification, the why, the evidence-based reasons of why to use these to target our clients goals. She also explicitly explained with clear cut examples of how to use these films in therapy. Furthermore, she gave us a list of resources which included various question types to use based on their goals. This was extremely helpful to me as a school-based therapist in justifying my use of these materials and keeping my students engaged and making progress with their various goals, whether it’s oral and written language and/or social-pragmatic goals.
This is an exceptional SLP with extensive knowledge and insight that any SLP would find invaluable!
Amazing presentation! I learned so much from all the information and resources you provided. I will definitely be using these in my therapy moving forward. I felt that I especially have been reflective on the use of more dynamic assessment. This is an area that I feel could be improved and your input and information really helped to broaden my perspective on it. Thank you!!
I appreciated the review on the developmental milestones of language in order to gain a better perspective of language difference vs. language disorder. The discussions regarding assessment, thematic instruction, and intervention strategies provided helpful suggestions and guidelines for supporting students in the areas of language/academics. The information on the slides was presented in an organized and systematic manner which allowed the listener to comprehend the material. I look forward to exploring the wide range of resources that were included in the presentation. Thank you for sharing your expertise in assessing and treating bilingual children. It was very much appreciated.
…presentation exceeded my expectations! Tatyana was an engaging and highly knowledgeable speaker who obviously loves what she does. I loved that she was willing to share so much information and so many free resources! Well done and thank you!
Tatyana Elleseff’s attention to detail and depth of knowledge are amazing. She would be an asset to any organization’s program relating to speech and language development and literacy.
Always a joy to listen to Tatyana’s presentation. She is great at explaining concepts, giving specific examples and demonstrations, as well as providing immediately applicable resources
Tatyana did a very professional and thorough examination of narrative language development for the February, 2022 Power Up Conference. Very detailed and practical.
I have attended various CEU courses presented by Tatyana Elleseff and even invited her to present in my school district for the fellow SLPs. Mrs. Tatyana Elleseff is an exceptional Speech and Language Pathologist and is highly recognized within the field. She is passionate and knowledgeable about her profession. Her presentations are highly engaging and interesting as she keeps her audience captivated the entire time. She leaves the listeners motivated and inspired. Mrs. Elleseff’s presentations include evidence-based research and personal experiences working with her clients. She always takes the time to answer questions and point you in the right direction. She is easily reachable and goes out of her way to help. Mrs. Elleseff’s knowledge and expertise has helped me tremendously with my current caseload as well as with my own children.