Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)

Why Accuracy Matters: The Hidden Risks of Flawed Language and Literacy Tests

When it comes to diagnosing students with developmental language disorders (DLD) and literacy deficits, the choice of assessment tools is critical. Many commonly used language tests have serious psychometric flaws that undermine their validity, leading to misidentifications that can have lasting educational and social consequences. This post examines the psychometric properties of several widely used […]

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School SLPs vs. Private SLPs: Do They Really Target Different Oral Language Goals?

Recently I was in an IEP meeting for an elementary-aged student. During the meeting, I raised concerns regarding several non-evidenced-based oral language goals for the student and suggested modifying them to meet the student’s extensive academic needs better. To my surprise several IEP team members pushed back, emphasizing the supposed differences between school and private

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School SLPs vs. Private SLPs: Do They Really Target Different Oral Language Goals? Read More »

Limitations of the CELF-5 in Detecting Subtle Language and Literacy Needs

The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Fifth Edition (CELF-5) is one of the most widely used tools for assessing language abilities in children. However, despite its popularity, significant limitations exist in its ability to accurately diagnose Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and identify subtle language and literacy needs. These limitations are particularly evident in its construct

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Addressing Misconceptions About ADHD and Poor Language Performance

It is a common but misguided assumption to attribute poor academic performance solely to ADHD. While ADHD can impact focus and attention, leading to difficulties in completing tasks or following instructions, these challenges do not inherently cause the language and literacy deficits that underpin poor academic performance. Individuals with language and literacy challenges may display

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Why CBT Falls Short Without Language and Pragmatic Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has long been a well-researched gold standard in psychotherapy for addressing emotional regulation, anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. However, its effectiveness relies heavily on the individual’s ability to comprehend and engage with its cognitive and verbal demands. For individuals with language impairments and pragmatic deficits, CBT alone will fall

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Integrating Oral and Written Language Through CGI Films: Contextual Interventions in Action

In a recent post, I emphasized the the importance of contextualized language interventions over traditional, decontextualized therapy methods. I explained how embedding language goals into meaningful, real-world activities—such as literacy-based tasks and narrative therapy—results in greater engagement, better learning, and improved generalization of skills. Today I wanted to illustrate how incorporating engaging materials such as

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Why Contextualized Language Interventions Are Essential for Meaningful Therapy Gains

Understanding the Problem: Decontextualized Therapy Limitations Outdated traditional therapy methods often involve repetitive tasks such as following 2-3 step directions, answering comprehension questions without visual support, or listing descriptors and categories. While these activities may show short-term progress in the therapy room on the day they are done, they fail to promote lasting, functional gains

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Understanding Language and Literacy Therapy Outcomes in Students with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)

Students with developmental language disorder (DLD) often experience significant challenges in language and literacy that can impact their academic performance and social interactions. Despite the effectiveness of high-quality, evidence-based therapy, it is essential to recognize that these students may not achieve the same level of academic functioning as their typically developing peers. This post delves

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