Free Webinar: The Controversy of the Auditory Processing Disorder Diagnosis

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In June 2021, I did an outreach webinar for Georgia IDA, which reviewed current controversies pertaining to the validity of assessment and treatment of auditory processing disorder (APD). Its major focus was on how this diagnostic label frequently results in professionals discounting true language and literacy deficits in students who require appropriate language and literacy assessment and targeted language and literacy intervention services. During the webinar, I listed ‘APD’-related symptoms and described their overlap with other disorders as per APD testing results. I also outlined the current controversy pertaining to ‘APD’ diagnosis as well as discussed how speech-language pathologists can assist students with “processing deficits” by performing appropriate language and literacy assessments and implementing targeted interventions. Due to popular demand, instead of accessing this presentation via CEU SmartHub, viewers are now able to access this two-part video below.

However, if viewers are interested in obtaining presentation handouts, certificates, or CEUs for this webinar, it is now available as a standalone CMH course without ASHA CEUs or as part of the Science of Reading Certification and the CEU SmartHub comprehensive, massive 13.5-hour literacy training entitled: “High Impact Issues in SLP Master Course: ADHD, SPD, APD, and the Law.

To access a FREE handout for parents and professionals succinctly summarizing the current controversies relevant to APD in a 2-page format, you can click HERE

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